

Изтеглете сертификатите на Blickle за качество, екология и енергия.

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The Environmental management system is part of Blickle 's philosophy of responsible production. They are committed to improving processes and products continually with regard to their environmental friendliness. The development of environmentally friendly products, the careful use of resources in the production process as well as renewable energy and raising the employees' awareness for environmentally conscious behaviour are the key objectives of an environmental management system. For this reason, they integrated the environmental management system according to DIN EN ISO 14001:2009 into their quality management system in April 2012.
Динис ООД
The energy management system helps in the mission to lessen the burden on the environment, for example by reducing CO2 emissions. At the same time, it aims to raise every employee's awareness of the importance of using energy and resources efficiently. In 2014, Blickle introduced an energy management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001 with the objective of minimising energy consumption within all areas of our company.
Динис ООД

The Quality management is extremely important process for Blickle company, which guarantees high levels of customer satisfaction. Customer confidence is the most valuable asset. Thanks to the use of Blickle own manufacturing facilities and a dedication to products “Made in Germany”, they have full control over the entire process from the start. Blickle was the first German wheel and castor manufacturer to be DIN EN ISO 9001 certified in the year 1994.

The quality management system aims to ensure a high standard of quality in all areas and processes. Comprehensive material and product tests play a crucial role. A multitude of testing devices are available to Blickle’s engineers, including rotary test benches for loads of up to 5.5 t, material testing equipment and climatic exposure test cabinets. They use cutting edge equipment for wheel and castor tests in accordance with DIN EN 12527-12533 in addition to destructive testing. The first and last parts of every production run are always inspected in addition to self-checks by production workers along the way.